Tsodilo Services (pty) Ltd T/a Sunday Stardard

We are in print media business,we are an investigative ,informative,people oriented news paper.
+00267 318-8784
00267 3188214
+00267 318-8784

The company was formed in 2004. It is a wholly citizen owned company with three directors.It has created employment to about forty-five to fifty personnel.It is an informative,investigative newspaper.The company has three offices in Botswana,the head office in Gaborone,Francistown office in the north and Maun office in North -west of Botswana.

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S 24° 39' 29" E 25° 54' 44"
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Gaborone International Commerce Park
Unit 21,Plot 104
Mazars Building
P O Box Ad 187 Add
Kgale Postnet
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