Intergraph Systems Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd (Unverified)

Delivery of software and services for the management and visual representation of complex and spatial information to Government/Defense, Transportation, Utilities, Mining and Process Plant Industries
+27 11 231-1400
+27 11 234-8022
+27 11 231-1404
+27 11 231-1410
+27 11 231-1404

Intergraph Systems Southern Africa (ISSA) is a Black Economic Empowerment Information Technology Company, and is part of the Morvest Business Group.The primary market focus of ISSA is Government/Defense, Transportation, Utilities, Communications Mining and Process Plant. ISSA has been the distributor of the world leading Intergraph Corporation products for the last 31 years.

Supplier, Sole Distributor
S 25° 57' 22.15" E 28° 7' 50.5"
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