Hurricane Dry cc

Sole importers of VORTICE hand dryer range, wall mounted hairdryer , wall mounted infrared heaters and soap dispensers.
+27 21 712-4208
+27 21 712-7781
+27 21 712-4208
+27 21 712-4208
+27 21 712-4208

Hurricane Dry is classified as a micro business. They are the sole importers of the Vortice Range of hygiene products and have had this agency for 20 years. The reason for our longevity is as a result of us selling quality products, giving quality after sales service when necessary and the fact that we are a family business, we take personal responsibility for our name in the market place.

The Western Cape
7 Westridge Circle
Constantia Hills
Cape Town
South Africa
7 Westridge Circle
Constantia Hills
Cape Town
South Africa
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